As new mandatory traceability schemes for sheep and goats come into effect, you need to adapt quickly.
Datamars Livestock’s complete sheep management solutions support you to meet traceability requirements and realise added value from your farm data. Ultimately, you can make better, more informed decisions, acting where necessary to improve the health and performance of your stock, and the profitability of your operation.
The Datamars Livestock range of Z Tags’ visual & EID tags, Tru-Test indicators, EID stick readers, and Prattley animal handling solutions are an important part of your livestock management toolkit, as you manage these growing demands for traceability.
The Z Tags sheep EID range features high quality livestock identification tags and application devices designed to adhere to market standards and NLIS national industry compliance. TagFaster Multi-Shot Tags and the TagFaster Applicator streamline your tagging process, making it automatic, simpler, and faster. The NLIS approved multi -shot tags are supplied in strips of 20 and the ergonomic and lightweight design of the applicator ensures fast and easy application.
Offering convenience while adhering to safety regulations, TagFaster Multi-Shot Tags and the TagFaster Applicator are the ideal choice for lamb tagging.
To find out which Z Tag or Tru-Test EID solutions you need, ask instore today.
Simplify the move to sheep EID

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